
Let's get started.

Thank you for your purchase. This documentation file will serve as a general introduction to Skola, covering topics such as theme installation and configuration, content creation, and general how-tos.

Enjoy the product!

—Team Cocoon

  • theme: Skola
  • platform: Moodle
  • updated: December 2021

About Skola

Skola is a premium Moodle LMS theme, capable of delivering rich online courses and an intuitive e-learning experience. The theme has been built specifically for schools, universities, and educational establishments.

The product includes 15 pre-built homepages, with the possibility to customize or design your own.

Skola includes a variety of premium plugins and custom blocks, providing limitless ability for extension and customization of your Moodle platform.

Your purchase

This documentation file will serve as a general introduction to Skola, providing instructions on topics such as installation, theme configuration, content creation, custom modifications and general how-tos.

Skola for Moodle has been built by Cocoon, a developer of premium CMS themes and provider of forward-thinking digital solutions.

The theme's download package contains the following directories:

If you are creating a new Moodle site, we highly recommend that you install Skola using our Demo Installation package and instructions. If you have an existing Moodle site, please follow the 'Existing Installation' instructions.

Please note that demo/sample data is only installed when using the Demo Installation package. As such, if you are using the Existing Installation instructions, please refer to the 'Creating Content' section below for guidance on how to create content using Skola & Cocoon Live Customizer.

The following instructions will show you how to install a fresh instance of Moodle, complete with Skola installed, all modules pre-configured, and extensive demo content with placeholder images.

1. Create database

Unless you plan on using an existing database, you must create a new database for your Moodle installation.

The database can be named however you wish. The database can be created via phpMyAdmin (as shown below), or via another database manager such as cPanel or Parallels Plesk.

(You may also need to create a new database user, unless you plan on using an existing one.)

Immediately proceed to step 2, below.

2. Populate database

Import the SQL file, named cocoon_skola.sql (located in the 'Demo Installation' folder in your theme download package), into your new database. This can be accomplished via phpMyAdmin, as shown below.

Ensure that your server is configured to allow uploads of at least 5.4 MB, so that the SQL file can be fully imported.

Immediately proceed to step 3, below.

3. Upload files

Upload the archive (located in the Demo Installation folder) to your web server, and extract it using either cPanel, another administration interface, or command line.

Alternatively, you can manually upload the entire contents of the uncompressed demo_files folder to your web server. Ensure that all hidden files are also transferred, as these may be hidden in your computer's file browser. We recommend using an FTP client, such as FileZilla.

Immediately proceed to step 4, below.

4. Upload moodledata

Upload the archive (located in the Demo Installation folder) to your web server, outside your web root. Moodle requires that the moodledata folder is not publicly accessible.

Once uploaded, extract the archive using either cPanel, another administration interface, or command line.

Alternatively, you can manually upload the entire contents of the uncompressed moodledata folder to your web server. Ensure that all hidden files are also transferred, as these may be hidden in your computer's file browser. We recommend using an FTP client, such as FileZilla.

Your web server should have read-write permissions to the moodledata directory. For further instructions, please visit

Immediately proceed to step 5, below.

5. Configure config.php

You must now configure Moodle's config.php file to reflect your new database credentials and moodledata directory location, so that Moodle can connect to the database.

It is mandatory to complete all of the following steps, in order for your website to work correctly.

  1. Open the config.php file located in the Moodle root on your web server.

  2. On lines 10 to 12, edit the database name, user, and password to match the new database credentials you set up in Step 1.

  3. Ensure that the database prefix remains as "cocoon_".

  4. You may also need to edit the database port and host to match that of your server, and the database collation to match that of the new database you created in Step 1.

  5. On line 20, change the website root to your website URL, or your localhost address (e.g. http://localhost/moodle, or http://localhost:8888/moodle). Ensure that the HTTP protocol matches the domain that loads your website.

    This step is important. If you specify the incorrect web address your website will not display correctly.

    Ensure that the correct HTTP protocol is used on the '$CFG->wwwroot' line. Only define the URL with "https://" if your domain is configured to use https and has an appropriate SSL certificate installed. Defining the incorrect HTTP protocol on this line will prevent your Moodle site from loading styling and icons.

    If you are installing the Demo Installation on your localhost, use 'http://' unless you have a valid SSL certificate installed and available on the local server.

  6. On line 21, change the "dataroot" to match the location of the moodledata directory you uploaded in Step 4. This path should be relative to your server root.

  7. On line 24, adjust the "directorypermissions" to the directory permissions set for your moodledata directory (in Step 4). By default, these are 0777. However, they may also be 0775 or 0755, depending on your server configuration. For further guidance on setting the appropriate permissions, visit

Immediately proceed to step 6, below.

6. Login

Your Skola demo installation is now complete. You can now login to your new Skola website with the following administrator credentials.

→ Navigate to {}/login/index.php to login directly.

PASSWORD: admin123

Immediately proceed to step 7, below.

7. Purge the Moodle cache

After logging in, navigate directly to {}/admin/purgecaches.php via your web browser's address bar and click the 'Purge all caches' button.

Wait for the page to refresh and reload completely. Once the page has refreshed and loaded completely, the caches have been succesfully purged.

This process may take several minutes.

Immediately proceed to step 8, below.

8. Complete!

Your installation of Skola is officially complete! Happy site building! (Please don't forget to change the administrator password first.)

Skola can be installed on existing Moodle installations, and the process is quick and easy. You'll be up and running in no time.

Ensure that you have a fresh, working backup of your existing Moodle instance (files and database) before proceeding.

1. Upload the theme

The standalone theme is located in the 'Existing Installations/theme' folder.

Manually upload the 'skola' folder to the /theme directory in your Moodle root.

You should now have the standalone Skola theme at this location on your web server: /theme/skola

Immediately proceed to step 2, below.

2. Upload required plugins

The following premium plugins are included within your download package, within the folder 'Existing Installations/local':

Manually upload these plugins to your Moodle local directory, located at /local in your Moodle root.

Immediately proceed to step 3, below.

3. Upload required blocks

Skola ships with over 100 custom blocks to help you create feature-rich pages on your Moodle site. It is recommended that all custom blocks are installed.

The blocks you must install are located in the 'Existing Installations/blocks' folder.

Manually upload the blocks to your Moodle blocks directory, located at /blocks in your Moodle root.

Immediately proceed to step 4, below.

4. Installation

After following the steps above, you must install the uploaded theme, blocks, and plugins:

  1. Log into your Moodle site (as an administrator), and go to Site administration > Notifications (*your_moodle_address*/admin/index.php)
  2. There should be 100+ new installations pending your attention. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Upgrade Moodle Database now".
  3. Wait for Moodle to install the new plugins. This might take several minutes.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
You may be prompted to configure new settings during the installation process. You can safely ignore this for now, and proceed by clicking "Continue" at the bottom of the page. You will be able to configure these settings at a later time.

Upon successful installation, you will be taken to the Site administration > Notifications page.

Immediately proceed to step 5, below.

5. Activation

Everything you need to build or extend your Moodle site with Skola is now installed.

But first, let's activate your new theme:

→ Navigate to Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Theme selector, and change the default theme to Skola.

Upon successful activation, a "New theme saved" page will be displayed. Click Continue.

Immediately proceed to Theme Settings, below.

Skola's Theme Settings are important to your website's functionality, as they dictate how the theme will look and behave.

→ Navigate to Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Skola

General settings

The General settings panel allows you to configure basic settings for the theme, such as the Blog Style, Back to Top, and Favicon.

List of settings
  1. Blog Style
    The style/layout used for the blog listing page.

  2. Back to Top
    Toggle the "back to top" button on or off.

  3. Favicon
    Upload a custom favicon to be used in the browser bar. We recommend the image be 16 by 16px.

Logo settings

The Logo settings panel allows you to configure and upload the platfom logo.

List of settings
  1. Logo image width
    Force a fixed width for the logo image in the main navigation menu. If left blank, the image will be displayed at a predetermined maximum width.

  2. Logo image height
    Force a fixed height for the logo image in the main navigation menu. If left blank, the image will be displayed at a predetermined maximum height.

  3. Header Logo 1
    The first header logo should be the default, largest variation of your logo.

  4. Header logo 2
    The second header logo should be a smaller, condensed variation of your logo.

  5. Header logo 3
    The third logo should be a light variation of your logo, which should contrast well against dark backgrounds.

Header settings

The Header settings panel provides general settings for the main navigation menu and mobile navigation. It's important to complete every field.

This is also where you can access the Header Builder, in order to build your custom header navigation.

List of settings
  1. Open Header Builder
    Open the Header Builder to select a preset style for the header, or build your own. You can also customize your existing header here.

  2. Main menu
    Configure whether the website's main menu should be visible to all users, or only authenticated users.

  3. Email Address
    Input your organization's email address. This value is used in some header or footer variations. If left blank, no email address will be displayed.

  4. Telephone
    Input your organization's telephone number. This value is used in some header or footer variations. If left blank, no telephone number will be displayed.

  5. Address
    Input your organization's physical address. This value is used in some header or footer variations. If left blank, no address will be displayed.

  6. Call-to-action text
    Some header variations display a Call to Action button. Set the text for this optional header element here.

  7. Call-to-action link
    Some header variations display a Call to Action button. Set the URL for this optional header element here. This should be an absolute URL, not a relative path. Either inbound or external URLs may be used. Be sure to include the HTTP protocol.

  8. Call-to-action icon
    Some header variations display a Call to Action button. Set the icon for this optional element here.

Footer settings

The Footer settings panel provides settings for configuring your website footer. It's important to complete every field.

Here you can also access the Footer Builder, in order to build your custom website footer.

List of settings
  1. Open Footer Builder
    Open the Footer Builder to select a preset style for the footer, or build your own. You can also customize your existing footer here.

  2. Copyright Notice
    Configure the copyright notice to be displayed in the footer of all pages. Include any other disclaimers here.

  3. Footer menu 1: Title
    Some footer variations include a footer menu. Configure the title of the first footer menu here.

  4. Footer menu 1: Menu items
    Configure the menu items of the first footer menu here. Use Moodle core's standard menu-formatting syntax, as used for the Custom Menu. Separate the menu item's title with a pipe, and proceed with the URL.

    Our Company|#
    About Us|#
    Contact Us|#
    Student Perks|#
    Affiliate Program|#

  5. Footer menu 2: Title
    Some footer variations include a footer menu. Configure the title of the second footer menu here.

  6. Footer menu 2: Menu items
    Configure the menu items of the second footer menu here. Use Moodle core's standard menu-formatting syntax, as used for the Custom Menu. Separate the menu item's title with a pipe, and proceed with the URL.

    Development Tools|#

  7. Footer menu 3: Title
    Some footer variations include a footer menu. Configure the title of the thitd footer menu here.

  8. Footer menu 3: Menu items
    Configure the menu items of the third footer menu here. Use Moodle core's standard menu-formatting syntax, as used for the Custom Menu. Separate the menu item's title with a pipe, and proceed with the URL.

    Web Design|#
    Web Development|#
    Rails Development|#
    PHP Development|#
    Android Development|#
    Starting a Business|#

  9. Footer menu 4: Title
    Some footer variations include a footer menu. Configure the title of the fourth footer menu here.

  10. Footer menu 4: Menu items
    Configure the menu items of the first footer menu here. Use Moodle core's standard menu-formatting syntax, as used for the Custom Menu. Separate the menu item's title with a pipe, and proceed with the URL.

    Language Packs|#
    Release Status|#

  11. Address
    Input your organization's physical address. This value is used in some header or footer variations. If left blank, no address will be displayed.

  12. Call-to-action text
    Some header variations display a Call to Action button. Set the text for this optional header element here.

  13. Call-to-action link
    Some header variations display a Call to Action button. Set the URL for this optional header element here. This should be an absolute URL, not a relative path. Either inbound or external URLs may be used. Be sure to include the HTTP protocol.

  14. Call-to-action icon
    Some header variations display a Call to Action button. Set the icon for this optional element here.

Course settings

The Course settings panel provides settings related to courses and how their details are displayed.

List of settings
  1. Price format
    Alter the display format used for prices across the Moodle platform. This will be used within blocks, courses, and course categories.

  2. Mark courses as "Free"
    By default, courses with no paid enrolment method will be marked as "Free" in Skola theme. To remove the "Free" label for courses without a paid enrolment method, toggle this setting to "No". This may be desired in situations where all courses are free.

Social settings

The Social settings panel provides settings for configuring the social profile links for your website.

List of settings
  1. Social URL Target
    Some header and footer variations include social icons. Determine whether to open social URLs in the same page, or a new one.

  2. Facebook URL
    Enter your Facebook profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  3. Twitter URL
    Enter your Twitter profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  4. Pinterest URL
    Enter your Pinterest profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  5. Dribbble URL
    Enter your Dribbble profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  6. Google URL
    Enter your Google profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  7. YouTube URL
    Enter your YouTube profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  8. VK URL
    Enter your VK profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  9. 500px URL
    Enter your 500px profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  10. Behance URL
    Enter your Behance profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  11. Digg URL
    Enter your Digg profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  12. Flickr URL
    Enter your Flickr profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  13. Foursquare URL
    Enter your Foursquare profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  14. Medium URL
    Enter your Medium profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  15. Meetup URL
    Enter your Meetup profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  16. Snapchat URL
    Enter your Snapchat profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  17. Tumblr URL
    Enter your Tumblr profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  18. Vimeo URL
    Enter your Vimeo profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  19. WeChat URL
    Enter your WeChat profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  20. WhatsApp URL
    Enter your WhatsApp profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  21. WordPress URL
    Enter your WordPress profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  22. Weibo URL
    Enter your Weibo profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  23. Telegram URL
    Enter your Telegram profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  24. Moodle URL
    Enter your Moodle profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  25. Amazon URL
    Enter your Amazon profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  26. SlideShare URL
    Enter your SlideShare profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  27. Soundcloud URL
    Enter your Soundcloud profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  28. Leanpub URL
    Enter your Leanpub profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  29. Xing URL
    Enter your Xing profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  30. Bitcoin URL
    Enter your Bitcoin profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  31. Twitch URL
    Enter your Twitch profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  32. Github URL
    Enter your Github profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  33. Gitlab URL
    Enter your Gitlab profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  34. Forumbee URL
    Enter your Forumbee profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  35. Trello URL
    Enter your Trello profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  36. Weixin URL
    Enter your Weixin profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

  37. Slack URL
    Enter your Slack profile URL, starting with https:// (if this field is left blank, the social icon won't be displayed).

User settings

The User settings panel provides basic settings for user display.

List of settings
  1. Username appearance
    Select between the user's username or fullname to be displayed in the profile dropdown, side navigation drawer, and dashboard pages.

Advanced settings

The Advanced settings panel is used to configure finer details, such as the Google Maps API key, and Custom CSS or JavaScript.

List of settings
  1. Google Maps API Key
    Enter your Google Maps API key, to be used in the [Cocoon] Google Map block. The map will not be displayed in the absense of an API key.

  2. Custom CSS
    Enter any desired custom CSS to be applied to all frontend pages of the Skola theme. Please ensure that your CSS syntax is valid.

  3. Custom CSS (Dashboard)
    Any CSS included here will be applied only to the dashboard and site administration pages.

  4. Custom JavaScript
    Enter any desired custom JavaScript to be applied to all frontend pages of the Skola theme. Please ensure that your JavaScript syntax is valid. Where JavaScript is not valid or contains an unregular expression, frontend website functionality may break until the code is removed.

  5. Custom JavaScript (Dashboard)
    Any JavaScript included here will be applied only to the dashboard and site administration pages. Please ensure that your JavaScript syntax is valid. Where JavaScript is not valid or contains an unregular expression, frontend website functionality may break until the code is removed.

  6. Page Settings button
    By default, Moodle includes an action menu or settings cog button on certain pages of the Moodle LMS. It's typically visible based on a user's permissions within a certain context. Toggle this option to gain greater control of the settings cog, and disable its appearance for certain roles entirely, even if it contains action menu items.

  7. Override Logo URL
    By default, Skola's logo links to your site's frontpage. Enter an alternate URL here to take users to another destination when clicking the site logo.

  8. Icons
    Skola inclues over 3,000 icons in the form of optimized font faces. These 3,000 icons comprise 4 contributing iconsets. Enable or disable specific iconsets here. Disabling iconsets may help to improve the speed of some pages. We recommend that all iconsets remain enabled, or that this setting is utilized by developers.

  9. SEO: Meta description
    Include a meta description for your Moodle site, to override Moodle's default meta description tag.

  10. SEO: Meta abstract
    Include a meta abstract for your Moodle site, to override Moodle's default meta abstract tag. Please note that most leading search engines no longer use this metatag, and it should be used for legacy support only.

  11. SEO: Meta keywords
    Include meta keywords for your Moodle site, to override Moodle's default meta keywords tag. Please note that most leading search engines no longer use this metatag, and it should be used for legacy support only. To receive more targeted organic traffic, we recommend utilizing the 100+ custom blocks included with the theme, in order to enrich the indexable content on your site's pages. For better indexing, opt for text-rich blocks and combine these with optimized, appropriately sized images.

  12. Expose Blocks
    By default, Skola restricts which block types can be added to each page, depending on page-type. For example—by default, blocks that we intend for use on the Dashboard page are not visible in Live Customizer. To override this setting, and expose all 100+ custom blocks everywhere, toggle this setting on. This will allow all frontend custom blocks to be added to dashboard pages, and all dashboard custom blocks to be added to frontend pages. We recommend that this setting is utilized by developers only.

This section will provide further guidance on how Skola works, and how content should be managed.


Skola includes styling for all common areas of a typical Moodle installation, including (but not limited to):

These styles are automatically applied on activation of the theme.

However, there are many more possibilities with Skola.

One of Skola's greatest features is its intuitive use of custom blocks, which allow you to create feature-rich pages anywhere on your Moodle site.

You can assign any of the custom blocks below to one of Skola's included regions:


Please note that certain blocks are best-placed in the fullwidth regions, and others in the sidebar regions.


Skola ships with over 100 custom blocks, which can be assigned to any region within the theme.

Custom blocks have [Cocoon] in the title, for easy recognition:

Each block is configurable independently and can be added to any Moodle page. You can also configure blocks to be displayed site-wide.

Most blocks in Skola are edited using Cocoon Live Customizer, which provides an intuitive drag-and-drop inline editing experience for Moodle.

Skola includes styling for many common areas in a typical Moodle installation.

However, it's also possible to create completely custom pages using the custom blocks shipped with Skola. Please refer to Theme structure for reference.

To create a custom page, you should first enable the "Topics" section on the Moodle frontpage:

→ Navigate to Site administration > Front page > Front page settings and enable "Include a topic section":

→ Navigate to your front page and click "Add an activity or resource" in the topics section:

→ Add a new "Page", under "Resources".

You're now able to create and assign custom blocks to your page. To do so, please refer to Live Customizer, below. Please refer to Theme structure for a full list of available custom blocks.

Skola ships with the exclusive Cocoon Live Customizer.

Cocoon Live Customizer allows you to build content-rich pages using drag-and-drop real-time editing.

Not all custom blocks support Live Customizer, and these can be configured using the standard method.

The theme comes with over 100 custom blocks for your convenience, and can be added to any Moodle page.

To add a custom block, first open the sidebar navigation by clicking the user icon in the menu bar:

From the sidebar navigation menu, click the 'Live Customizer' action:

After a few seconds, the Live Customizer will load on the current page. Click the "+" button to add a new block:

You will then be able to add any of Skola's 100+ custom blocks to the current page.

Please refer to Theme structure for a full list of available custom blocks.

Skola ships with the exclusive Cocoon Header Builder plugin for Moodle.

Cocoon Header Builder allows you to build custom headers for your Moodle site, using intuitive drag-and-drop.

To create or customize your platform's header, open the Skola Theme Settings, and click 'Open Header Builder'.

Navigate to: Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Skola > Header > Open Header Builder, as shown below:

This will active the Header Builder plugin, allowing you to customize your header:

  1. To select a default header, select a style from the dropdown at the bottom of the page. There are 15 default headers to choose from.

  2. After selecting a default header, proceed to customize it using drag & drop to add or remove elements from the menu bar, or re-arrange them:

  3. Click the "Add Top Header" button to add your contact details above the main header:

  4. Click the "Preview" button to view your final header, and "Save" to save the header and apply it to your Moodle platform. Be sure to save the Theme Settings afterwards, by clicking "Save changes".

  5. After saving, your new header will be instantly applied across your Moodle site:

Skola ships with the exclusive Cocoon Form Builder plugin for Moodle.

Cocoon Form Builder allows you to easily create webforms for your Moodle site using drag-and-drop.

To create forms with Cocoon Form Builder:

  1. First, navigate to Site administration > Plugins > Local > Cocoon Form Builder.
  2. From this page, you will see a list of all existing forms, and the option to "Add a Form".
  3. After saving your form, add the [Cocoon] Form block to any page on your Moodle site, and reference the desired form to display.

Creating Forms

The modern interface of Cocoon Form Builder allows quick and easy creation of forms by drag-and-drop.

Simply drag fields from the right panel into the main content area in order to arrange your form.

Skola ships with Cocoon Category Designer, a premium plugin allowing you customize the display settings and functionality of your Course Category pages.

Each Course Category page is capable of utilizing a different style, of which 6 defaults are included.

The separate category styles also differ in filter options and live search behavior.

To modify the settings for a particular category:

  1. Enter the category:

  2. Click "Category Designer Settings" from the page settings menu:

Skola ships with Cocoon Course Designer, a premium plugin allowing you customize the display settings and functionality of your Single Course pages.

Each Single Course is capable of utilizing a different style, and these styles dictate how the course and enrolment page are displayed.

To modify the settings for a particular course:

  1. Enter the course:

  2. Click "Course Designer Settings", below the Hero Section on the page:

Skola ships with Cocoon Events, a hyper-powerful custom Booking & Events plugin for Moodle.

Cocoon Events allows for creation of events in your Moodle platform, with a different use case than the core Moodle calendar.

The plugin facilitates a booking system, which allows students to book slots to attend an event (this could be online or in-person).

Additionally, Cocoon Events allows for the event creator to review the list of booked students/slots and manage these.

Students are also able to remove their booking from the event.

Creating Events

To create an event, navigate to the Event List page at /local/cocoon_events, and click "Create New Event":

Managing Bookings

To oversee and manage bookings for each event (or all events), click "Manage Bookings".

Skola ships with Cocoon Wishlist, a premium Moodle plugin that implements wishlisting capabilities into Moodle.

Cocoon Wishlist allows users to wishlist courses, adding them to their "Wishlist" in the user dashboard.

Courses can be added to a user's wishlist by clicking the heart icon beside course listings:

The wishlist can be accessed by the side navigation drawer, under "Wishlist":

Users can view the courses in their current wishlist, or remove them by clicking the broken heart:

Skola ships with the Cocoon Users plugin, which is capable of displaying filterable lists/grids of registered users on your Moodle site.

The plugin also allows for configuration of the available filters/sort options, and which role types are included in the listings.

To configure the listing page:

  1. Go to Site administration > Plugins > Local Plugins > Cocoon Users
  2. Here you can customize the settings for the listing pages, including the following configurations:
    • Page title
    • Number of users to display per page
    • Allow Searching?
    • Allow Filtering?
    • Allow Sorting?
    • User Roles

Cocoon Live Customizer provides extensive support for the customization of certain custom blocks.

However, you may wish to further customize Skola theme styles or custom blocks with custom CSS changes.

In the Skola theme settings panel, various fields are provided for custom CSS and JavaScript code.

The fields provided via the Skola theme settings panel (Site administration > Appearance > Skola > Advanced) are:

When using custom CSS via these fields, please do not include the style tag, as this is provided as a wrapper by default.

When using custom JavaScript via these fields, please do not include the script tag, as this is provided as a wrapper by default.

If you prefer to include your custom CSS files via a hard-coded file, rather than via the Theme Settings, you can edit the custom.css file located at: /theme/Skola/style/custom.css.

Please note that your custom.css file may be overwritten when updating Skola theme. For this purpose, we recommend backing up your custom.css file before updating Skola theme, in case you need to restore it after the update.

See for full changelog.

Version 1.0.0 (December 2021)

Initial release

If you are experiencing trouble, or otherwise have a question or concern beyond the scope of this help file, you may reach us via any of the following means.

We endeavour to respond to all enquiries within 24 hours, Monday to Sunday.

Statement of Support

We will always do our best to leave you satisfied after any support correspondence. We shall provide support for reasonable questions pertaining to the installation and setup of the theme, queries regarding use of the theme's features, and reports of bugs or technical issues with the product. We aim to respond to all enquiries in a timely fashion, often within 24 hours, Monday to Sunday. We ask that you are patient and polite in exchange for this generous service. Regrettably, we are unable to provide modification or customization services free of charge.


Q. Do you offer installation services?
A. Yep! Get in touch at

Q. What if I need customization services? ... do you offer customization services?
A. Yep! Get in touch at

Q. Can I pay you for a custom project? What is your hourly rate?
A. Yep! Get in touch at